To create sustainable, self-sufficient communities that transcend barriers of race and nationality, uniting individuals as stewards of our planet. We aim to foster a world where people can dedicate their lives to bettering the environment and humanity, free from the burdens of traditional employment. Our ultimate goal is to redirect resources away from consumable and wasteful industries, such as war supplies, cosmetics, and disposable products, towards building sustainable, harmonious communities that eliminate the need for certain bills.
Our mission is to establish and support self-sustaining communities on acquired land, where residents live free of traditional financial burdens and work collectively to promote environmental and societal well-being. We aim to fund education in fields that advance sustainability. By inspiring a shift in values, we seek to redirect resources towards the creation of enduring and ecologically sound products. Our purpose is to bring about a transformative way of life that benefits everyone on Earth, driven by collaboration and innovation focused on creating long-lasting, fit-for-purpose solutions.